Digital is already a strategic core to many businesses. With the appointment of Chief Digital Officers (800+ of them in Australia), boards have a responsibility to oversee and hold accountable digital technology and capability.

Wedged between the CMO and the CTO, a Chief Digital Officer has a broader remit to drive growth, especially by converting traditional “analog” businesses to digital ones.

A board ordinarily has two fundamental responsibilities; to ensure compliance and to improve performance. Broadly responsibilities can be set out in the following areas;

  • Vision, purpose and values of the organisation.
  • Approvals of strategy and budgets
  • Appointment, performance evaluation of the CEO.
  • Risk oversight.
  • Providing a check on external financial and non-financial reports.
  • Supporting effective engagement with key stakeholders.

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Published On: May 20th, 2017 / Categories: Uncategorized /

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